... once upon a time ... a long long time ago ...

Small satchets of happenings from pockets of my life, as lapses of memories rewind to the particular place, moment and time ... realities of life
%%%%%%% unedited %%%%%%%

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Became a Banker

I sent all 10 application letters to various banks applying for a banking job. As I was an MCE 2nd grader, if I am not continuing my studies, I would be eligible to work in a bank. Working in a bank was a more glamorous job than other industry and the money is a lot better than any other working place including working for the Government. I got 3 calls for interviews. Malayan Banking, Banque de L'Indochine and Oriental Bank. I got the clerical job in Malayan Banking and Banque de L'Indochine. As advised by friends who commute with me every morning, working in a foreign bank would be a better bet. So I accepted to take up the clerical job at Banque de L'Indochine et de Suez Indosuez, after all the office is across the Pudu Bus Station (where my commuting bus - Foh Hup ends it journey). I joined the Bank on 1st September 1974 - I became a banker!

I was assigned to the Bills Department. Had to do a lot of typing, mostly to foreign banks that I have never heard of. The trick is to make sure you follow closely and exactly how it is as one word mistake may meant another correspondence bank. I told colleagues at the bank that I also got the job in Malayan Banking. When they heard that I was strongly advised to go work in Malayan Banking. If I were to continue working at the Banque de L'Indochine; since it is a one branch bank; for anyone to get promoted, we have to wait for our bosses to either died or resigned from the bank, which is very unlikely. They said, 'Malayan Banking has more future, more branches and bigger. The chances are better there as they are expanding'. Following their advise I sent in my 24 hour resignation notice and left the bank after 1 week. I am moving to Malayan Banking.

I reported work to Malayan Banking, Personnel Department on 9th September 1974. After my medical check-up, Mr Tony Chiam assigned me to Securities Department. Encik Mahadzir walked me across the Jalan Bandar (from Kwong Yik Bank Building) to the Malayan Banking Head Office at 92 Jalan Bandar, on the 2nd floor and I reported to the Manager, Mr Chan Chong Moo - Securities Department. I was assigned to handle all insurance matters (renewals and coverage) and indexing of all loan applications; assisting all other officers in the Department for typing letters and other jobs that may be assigned from time to time.

My Personal File (PF) No. was 3965, with a starting clerical salary of RM235.00 per month. I left Maybank in July 1992 (after 18 years), after I just came back to Malaysia from London Branch.

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